Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/30/2014 - Law of Cosines Notes/Worksheet

Today we took notes over the Law of Sines and did some Law of Cosines Examples which we glued next to our notes. We then used the remainder of the period to work on the Law of Cosines Worksheet (Only do problems 1-7).

Law of Cosine Notes

Law of Cosine Examples

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10/29/2014 - Law of Sines Notes/Worksheet

Today we took notes over the Law of Sines and did some Law of Sines Examples which we glued next to our notes. We then used the remainder of the period to work on the Law of Sines Worksheet.

Law of Sine Notes

Law of Sine Examples

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10/28/2014 - Trig. Functions Worksheet

Today we competed our Trig. Functions notes. We filled out our Trig. Ratio examples and glued them in our notes. We then used the remainder of the period to work on our Trig. Functions Worksheet.

Trig Ratio Examples

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27/2014 - Trig. Notes

Today we began our notes on Trig. Functions. We cut out our Trig. Functions Foldable and began to write our notes in it. We will finish these notes tomorrow and then be given a worksheet over the subject.

Trig Notes.

Trig. Foldable

Trig. Foldable Under 1st Flap
Trig. Foldable Under Both Flaps

Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24/2014 - Quiz # 6

Today we began class with Quiz #6 and then used the remainder of the period to complete any missing work.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10/23/2014 - Special Right Triangles Worksheet

Today in class we finished our Special Right Triangles Examples and glued them into our spiral. We then used the remainder of the period to complete our Special Right Triangles worksheet.

Special Right Triangles Examples

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10/22/2014 - Special Right Triangle Notes

Today we began our Special Right Triangle Notes. We cut out our Special Right Triangle Foldables and wrote the notes inside. We also began the Special Right Triangle Examples which we will finish tomorrow and glue into our spirals.

Special Right Triangle Notes

Inside of 45-45-90 Triangle

30-60-90 Triangle Notes

Inside of 30-60-90 Triangle

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21/2014 - Pythagorean Theorem Notes/ Area Exercises Worksheet

Today we took some quick notes over the Pythagorean Theorem and then we used the rest of the class period to work on our Area Exercises Worksheet.

Pythagorean Theorem Notes

Friday, October 17, 2014

10/17/2014 - Finished Unit 2 Test

Today we completed our Unit 2 Test that we started yesterday. Monday we will begin Unit 3.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/2014 - Inverse Functions Notes

Today in class we created our Inverse Function Foldable and wrote our notes in it. Then, as a class, we answered the Inverse Examples worksheet and glued it into our spiral.

Inverse Notes

Inside of Foldable

Inverse Examples

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10/2014 - Quiz #5

Today we took Quiz #5. When we finished our quiz we worked on any missing work that we might have had.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/9/2014 - Composite Functions Puzzle

Today we created our Pocket for our puzzle pieces and then cut out and put together our Composite Functions Puzzle. As we completed the puzzle we filled out our Answer Sheet and turned it in when we were done.
Pocket for our Puzzle Pieces


Composite Puzzle Pg 1

Composite Puzzle Pg 2

Composite Puzzle Pg 3

Composite Puzzle Pg 4

Monday, October 6, 2014

10/6/2014 - Composite Functions

Today we took notes over Composite Functions. We cut out our Composite Functions Foldable and folded the right side in, the left side in, and then cut along the black lines on either side to create flaps. We then filled in the foldable with our notes over solving composite functions.

Friday, October 3, 2014

10/3/2014 - Finished Graph Transformation Project

Today we finished our Graph Transformation Projects.

We folded our 2 cardstock papers accordian style. Glued the small flap to each side of the 3rd cardstock. Next we cut our 2 graphs into the 2 inch strips. We glued 1 graph on the left sides of the folds and the other graphs on the right sides of the folds. This completed our project.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/2/2014 - Started Transformation Project

Today we started our transformation project.

Materials: Graph Transformations Project Worksheet, 3 sheets of colored card stock (all same color), 2 sheets of graph paper, 2 markers, scissors, glue, ruler

We filled out the Graph Transformations Project Worksheet and glued it to a piece of colored card stock. Next we graphed the transformation in one color on a piece of graph paper and the parent function on the other piece of graph paper in a different color. We divided our 2 graphs into 2 inch strips to cut tomorrow. We also divided our other 2 pieces of card stock into 2 inch strips to fold tomorrow.